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Public Notice

The Sovereign Islands (Precinct No 3) Company Limited ACN 069 209 007 under the Regulatory Guide 26: Resignation, removal and replacement of Auditors (RG 26) hereby advises that the outgoing auditor for this Precinct Company, KPMG of Level 38 Tower Three, 300 Barangaroo Avenue, Sydney, NSW 2000, have submitted their “Notification of Resignation as Auditor of The Sovereign Islands (Precinct NO 3) Company Limited”, dated the 9th May 2018


The Board of Directors have appointed Andrea Blank, of “Boutique Audit Solutions” P.O. Box 549 Upper Coomera, QLD 4209. Phone : 0409610131 ,

This appointment was made on the 23rd November 2017, subject to ASIC’s approval of the resignation of KPMG, Sydney NSW, 2000. This has been duly submitted to ASIC for determination.


The reasons for this change of auditor are due to our Company Requirements and Close proximity reasons. There has been a change of Directors and Company Management of the company. Boutique Audit Solutions are in close proximity to the registered offices of all the Companies, at Sovereign Islands, and will provide a hands on approach to our on going Company expectations and Company Requirements.

The Sovereign Islands (Precinct No 4) Company Limited ACN 096 267 042 under the Regulatory Guide 26: Resignation, removal and replacement of Auditors (RG 26) hereby advises that the outgoing auditor for this Precinct Company, KPMG of Level 38 Tower Three, 300 Barangaroo Avenue, Sydney, NSW 2000, have submitted their “Notification of Resignation as Auditor of The Sovereign Islands (Precinct NO 4) Company Limited”, dated the 9th May 2018


The Board of Directors have appointed Andrea Blank, of “Boutique Audit Solutions” P.O. Box 549 Upper Coomera, QLD 4209. Phone : 0409610131 ,

This appointment was made on the 23rd November 2017, subject to ASIC’s approval of the resignation of KPMG, Sydney NSW, 2000. This has been duly submitted to ASIC for determination.


The reasons for this change of auditor are due to our Company Requirements and Close proximity reasons. There has been a change of Directors and Company Management of the company. Boutique Audit Solutions are in close proximity to the registered offices of all the Companies, at Sovereign Islands, and will provide a hands on approach to our on going Company expectations and Company Requirements.


The Sovereign Islands (Precinct No 5) Company Limited ACN 096 874 216  under the Regulatory Guide 26: Resignation, removal and replacement of Auditors (RG 26) hereby advises that the outgoing auditor for this Precinct Company, KPMG of Level 38 Tower Three, 300 Barangaroo Avenue, Sydney, NSW 2000, have submitted their “Notification of Resignation as Auditor of The Sovereign Islands (Precinct NO 5) Company Limited”, dated the 9th May 2018


The Board of Directors have appointed Andrea Blank, of “Boutique Audit Solutions” P.O. Box 549 Upper Coomera, QLD 4209. Phone : 0409610131 ,

This appointment was made on the 23rd November 2017, subject to ASIC’s approval of the resignation of KPMG, Sydney NSW, 2000. This has been duly submitted to ASIC for determination.


The reasons for this change of auditor are due to our Company Requirements and Close proximity reasons. There has been a change of Directors and Company Management of the company. Boutique Audit Solutions are in close proximity to the registered offices of all the Companies, at Sovereign Islands, and will provide a hands on approach to our on going Company expectations and Company Requirements.


The Sovereign Islands (Precinct No 6) Company Limited ACN 104 418 180 under the Regulatory Guide 26: Resignation, removal and replacement of Auditors (RG 26) hereby advises that the outgoing auditor for this Precinct Company, KPMG of Level 38 Tower Three, 300 Barangaroo Avenue, Sydney, NSW 2000, have submitted their “Notification of Resignation as Auditor of The Sovereign Islands (Precinct NO 6) Company Limited”, dated the 9th May 2018


The Board of Directors have appointed Andrea Blank, of “Boutique Audit Solutions” P.O. Box 549 Upper Coomera, QLD 4209. Phone : 0409610131 ,

This appointment was made on the 23rd November 2017, subject to ASIC’s approval of the resignation of KPMG, Sydney NSW, 2000. This has been duly submitted to ASIC for determination.


The reasons for this change of auditor are due to our Company Requirements and Close proximity reasons. There has been a change of Directors and Company Management of the company. Boutique Audit Solutions are in close proximity to the registered offices of all the Companies, at Sovereign Islands, and will provide a hands on approach to our on going Company expectations and Company Requirements.


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